Rocket Dog 2.0

Remember how I lost my rocket pack that my mom made me for Halloween? And I suspected that the groundhog in my backyard found it and was rocketing around all over the place? Yeah, well I was pretty sad about not having a Halloween costume this year, but my mom knew just what to do to make me feel better.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

It’s Rocket Pack 2.0! My mom made me another one – an UPGRADED one to be exact.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

See version 2.0 has wings, which means I can rocket even faster!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog dino

I was having so much fun playing Halloween dress up that I even tried out a few different versions for my costume. Rocket Dinosaur? It’s a possibility.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Ultimately I think I decided on just plain Rocket Dog though, it really highlights the rocket pack. Although there is one more thing that would make my costume out of this world…

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Mom, can you PLEASE make me a rocket ship out of this cardboard box?

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

I promise if I end up blasting to the moon that I’ll be back in time for dinner! After all I don’t want to miss tick-or-treating.

Happy Howl-o-weenie Everyone!

Rocket Dog

Technically Halloween isn’t until Monday, but I just couldn’t wait any longer to share my very special Halloween costume with all of you. It is way cool!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Do you know what I am?

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

I’ll give you a hint, I’m not a bird or a plane…

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

No, I’m ROCKET DOG – faster than a speeding bullet!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

You have no idea how excited I was for blast-off! Mom said I had to wear my helmet for safety reasons, and it’s a good thing I did…..

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

…because the landings were a bit bumpy at first.

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

But with every crash landing I started to get the hang of it and before I knew it I was a bona fide Rocket Dog!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

Yea, that’s right I was rocketing so fast my ears flipped inside out!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

I know you’re jealous!

ammo the dachshund rocket dog

The groundhogs in my backyard have no idea what they are in for!

Happy Halloweenie!

Flying High at the Dog Park

Over the weekend mom and dad took me to the dog park.

I was having a fantastic time chasing float-away leaves in the stream until I noticed something new at the park!

ammo the dachshund at dog park

Dog agility jumps! Being one to never pass up an opportunity to practice my high-flying super hero skills I couldn’t resist testing them out.

ammo the dachshund at dog park

All the big dogs were jealous, because man was I FLYING!

ammo the dachshund at dog park

I bet you’re jealous too! Skills like this are hard to come by and I totally rocked those dog agility jumps.

ammo the dachshund at dog park

Warp speed baby – so lightning fast even my ears are left behind!

Birthday Week: It’s My Birthday!

Oh Glorious Day! It’s finally my THIRD Birthday! I’ve been waiting and waiting for this day to come.

ammo the dachshunt party hat

Mom got me this nifty Birthday hat that my pal Baxter’s Mom made for me. Very festive don’t you think?

ammo the dachshund birthday hat

As you can imagine I was uber excited to start my day – mostly just to open my presents though. But then something horrible happened….

ammo the dachshund birthday hat

What do you mean I can’t open my presents until tonight? Do I really have to wait for Dad to get home from work?

ammo the dachshund birthday hat

He’s never going to know if I just sneak one bite of my Birthday Cookies

ammo the dachshund birthday hat

It’s our little secret. *wink*


Birthday Week: Memories

It’s inevitable. As soon as my Birthday rolls around my mom starts talking about how cute I was as a puppy – eventually leading her to break out the dreaded photo album. You know the one – where all of your embarrassing baby photos are on display to the World. So in the efforts of beating my mom to the punch, I thought I’d just share my baby photos myself – in the hopes of avoiding the embarrassing ones!

ammo the dachshund baby photos

Here’s a picture of me at about 9 weeks old, I was a stud muffin even back then!

ammo the dachshund baby photos

In the beginning I had a “thing” for Monkeys, well until ultimately they taunted me which led the their gruesome demise. I’ll spare you the details.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

I began perfecting my “cute face” pretty early on, so when I got older it was much easier to get my way with everything.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

I admit, I wasn’t all “rainbows & sunshine” all the time. Especially when in December my parents brought a tree inside and then expected me to do my business outside. Seriously?

ammo the dachshund baby photos

Luckily I always had a partner in crime. My pal Trooper taught me everything I know – and SOMETIMES I even shared my bones with him. Oh, true friendship.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

Trooper and I spent most of my youth snuggling and wrestling at the shop. Luckily, not much has changed in 3 years.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

Speaking of friends, we can’t forget my pony friends. From the very beginning we shared a special bond.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

My adventurous side appeared pretty quickly too and I had big plans for my future from the start.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

And obviously most of those adventures involved getting as dirty as possible. Dirt is definitely a sign of a good adventure.

ammo the dachshund baby photos

My mom of course always had other plans for me.

ammo's birthdayWell, there you have it – my little trip down memory lane (complete with naked puppy-in-the-bathtub-picture). Sometimes I miss those carefree puppy days, but then I remember that there is still so much I want to try and do ahead. I can’t wait for many more years of adventures!

Agility with Cows

Ok, so maybe I didn’t EXACTLY do agility with the cows, but they certainly did interrupt my first attempt at a dog agility course. Over the weekend while I was hanging out at the Chadds Ford Days event, me and my pal Trooper got to test out a dog agility course. Neither of us have done a course before, although I had had a basic intro to agility class last winter. But, this was the first time I got to do the tunnel, or any of the jumps, and I had never been on a balance board before. I actually really enjoyed it!

Doesn’t it look like fun! Mom says maybe this winter I can take some more agility classes, and I can’t wait! Trooper even got a chance to try it himself.

Go Trooper! Although he probably would have done even better had he been wearing his Super Cape like I was! Doesn’t he know it’s all in the wardrobe?

Wild Ride

Holy Cannoli! Boy did I have a busy weekend!

Ammo and Trooper at the fair

This picture of me and Trooper pretty much sums up the adventurous weekend I had. Don’t worry, I didn’t actually have to ride a bull, but I did have to entertain lots of children (and adults), sniff a whole bunch of dog butts, eat funnel cake, and I even ran through an agility course…twice!

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

ammo the dachshund with the painting pony

As you can see, I’m a pretty hard working Dachshund.

trooper and ammo at the chadds ford days

To prove my point, here’s a BEFORE shot of me and Trooper just getting started on our weekend adventure at the Chadds Ford Days.

trooper and ammo chadds ford days

And here’s us AFTER a weekend full of excitement!

trooper and ammo chadds ford days

Even super dogs need to catch up on their sleep once in a while.


Ludwigs Day 2

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I’ll admit, after Day 1 at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show I was a little tired. It’s hard being adorable all the time.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

But, mom brought out the big guns (aka chicken) and I was more than happy to show everyone my favorite tricks!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

Not trying to brag, but no one plays dead like I do!

minnow the painting pony

Minnow drew a crowd too with his amazing painting skills……but really…..I stole the show!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

“Super Ammo” knows how to make everyone laugh.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

Even when you have technical difficulties with your stunt helmet.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

In fact, I got so much love after my performances that I think Minnow was jealous!

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

All that excitement really wears a boy out!

ammo the dachshund napping

When I got back to the farm I took a well deserved nap. Which actually ended up being pretty short lived…

ammo and trooper

Because Trooper was just begging to be chased!

You can check out more pictures from our adventure on the Painting Pony Blog!

Ludwigs Day 1

I spent my Labor Day weekend hanging out with my good pal, Minnow the Painting Pony at the Ludwigs Corner Horse Show. Our Mission – to make all the BIG & LITTLE kids laugh and giggle.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I’m not gonna lie, Minnow did most of the work on the first day. Not that I didn’t help – I just used my skills in a different way.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

I used my stunning good looks and overall cuteness to attract a crowd.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

You see, I’m utterly irresistible when I wear my stunt helmet.

ammo the dachshund with painting pony

After I drew in the crowd it was up to Minnow to entertain everyone with his amazing painting skills and super awesome tricks. I jumped in here and there with some of my awesome stunts – but I really got into the swing of things on Day 2, which you’ll hear all about tomorrow!

minnow the painting pony

You can check out some more photos of my adventure with Minnow on the Painting Pony Blog. And even if you weren’t able to visit us at our booth last weekend, you can still check out all of our awesome artwork in our SHOP.

Lovely Weekend

Super Ammo the Dachshund

Hope everyone’s enjoying their Labor Day Weekend! Me, I was planning on going canoeing today with my family, but it looks like the rain may have put a damper on my plans. But don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be able to come up with a nice adventuresome alternative! And I’ll be back tomorrow with a WHOLE lot of pictures from my busy weekend performing at the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show.

Here’s a sneak peek of me dishing out the love at the Horse Show.

Ammo the dachshund children petting