Over the weekend I took a trip with Mom and Dad to the Flea Markets near Kutztown, PA.
Being that I typically work on Saturdays, (when most flea markets are open) I’ve never actually been to one before.
I spent the afternoon pillaging and searching for buried treasures among the isles upon isles of flea market goodies. There was certainly no shortage of new smells to be found.
Our first stop was the Kutztown Flea Market, with venders selling everything from glassware to toy dinosaurs. I had my eye on one of those Dinos, but sadly mom reminded me they would be much happier going home with a little boy who would love them than a dachshund that wanted to chew their heads off. She did have a point.
Next stop was the Renningers Flea Market where I met some interesting people and even more interesting treasures. Dad and I immediately were drawn to all the tools and weapons (it’s a guy thing).
And we even found some antique AMMO!
Our final flea market of the day was unlike anything you have ever seen before. Isles upon isles of hidden finds line this amish barn that is only found through word of mouth.
The best part is that most of the funds raised through the sale of donated items at this amish thrifting paradise is donated to charity.
By the end of the day I was left looking like this! Flea Market Adventures are much harder than they look!
P.S. Not to worry, this photo was taken right after I was given a full bowl of ice cold water and was comfortably relaxing in the cool AC. The tongue was for dramatic effect.